
Monday 18 November 2013

Love is a changeable feeling!

The realization has finally struck, that the one whose absence is making you miserable doesn’t love you anymore or being little more practical never did love you. At first it does seem devastating almost like an earth shattering feeling. The love you thought it was has become an illusion for you now. Days are spent trying to figure out that there was probably something wrong with you; something that you did or didn't do that could've saved your precious relationship. Repeatedly you may even try to find ways to make yourself look more lovable, like there has to be this one thing or the many set of things about you that you can change and then magically you will be accepted by the center of your world. You almost dream of him or her come back running to you, taking you back in their arms that may remind you of a scene from some RomCom flick you may have watched during your teens.
But NO! You can't possibly bring anyone back into your life! I totally defy all those articles or books that are written on how you can get your ex back. Its waste of time if read. I humbly beg to differ with those theories because when you broke up with them, or if we can put it the other way round when they broke up with you there was something that had turned off inside them and in turn they made the decision to stop loving you and wanting out of the relationship that they shared with you.  Can you imagine someone in love with you not wanting to save a relationship that made a difference to them? Or can you imagine someone who wants you so much, loves you so much not wanting to fight for being with you or not wanting to do everything possible to save the relationship? See you have your answer there! You did not matter to them then, how are you going to be valued later? It’s just like they wanted it out and they got it. 
If only you could realize how little it has to do with you, and it is so much to do with them! But at that point of time we don’t think rationally.
It’s ironical, People’s abilities to disengage themselves. It’s a scary truth to realize. It’s a much easier pill to swallow when there are concrete reasons why the love stopped — it makes people seem less scary and more rational — but sometimes the loss of love is just as irrational as love.

Realizing this might sound like the ultimate torture to the already grim life you are living anyways, but believe it, accepting this fact is the ultimate relief. You are going to stop re-running episodes of how you could have done something or said something or not done anything at all to save that relationship or try to device strategies to get your ex back. Accept that the love switch has turned off in your ex’s head forever that it is something inside them that has changed forever and that there is nothing that you can do to change it. The point is that people change and outgrow each other. Placing the blame on yourself and agonizing over what you could’ve done to change the outcome is fruitless. It’s all chemical anyway. Take the weight of that grief off your shoulders, just let go of it all take solace in knowing that you will be loved again for who you are.