
Sunday 26 January 2014

The sounds of 'Letting it go'

Letting it go, how difficult is this whole equation? Well the letting go bit is nothing that is done by the faint hearts. It takes a lot of valor to decide to let go of something that is so dear to us, but then loving ourselves is nothing less difficult!  

Its ironic how we decide to love something that in turn destroys us like for example how many times have we continued to live the existence that we are currently living, only because we are so apprehensive towards change? We find things that don’t suit our purpose anymore, things that don’t make us happy any more to be comforting even if they are masked with misery lurking on its surface only because we are too afraid of change even if in the hearts of our heart we know that it is going to be good for us if we would move on but we are just too afraid or too lazy to take that leap.

How many of us struggle through an unsatisfying job only because we like the title that is associated with it?  It doesn’t matter if we are not passionate about what we are working on. It doesn’t matter that the work is barely leaving you any life to celebrate beyond your work hours. We are only too afraid to let go of that well paying job because we don’t want to compromise on the luxurious/comfortable life that it brings. We are ok with ignoring the fact that we are not happy even in the midst of the comforts of the lifestyle we are living.
 How many times do we put up with an unhappy marriage or relationship, only because we fail to value our feelings or happiness, only because we are too afraid to leave the comfort zone of a familiar yet unsatisfying relationship? We are ok with compromising our feelings, expectations, happiness and hopes but we are just not ok to break free off it.
How many times have you been in the situation of trying too hard to keep it all afloat right from a demanding job, to commitments of managing an impeccable household, servant problems, in-law issues, children that need your attention and sometimes a husband/wife complaining of never finding the time for him/her? Amid it all stands you completely forlorn and lost in the crowd.  Why letting go of trying to be the perfect household image is so difficult an option?

Drop by drop life slides by, while we watch away doing absolutely nothing about helping ourselves. Each day we could wake up to change what we dislike but we do nothing. We never think about what if a butterfly refused to exit her cocoon? She would have never grown, she would never look beautiful, would never find her wings to fly just the same way we would never grow and evolve as humans, never look satisfied and happy, never acquire the courage and confidence to go out and live the dreams and hopes we have hoped for ourselves.  
No matter how comfy our old well worn shoes become, when they begin to tear away we have to give them away, same as anything that no longer suits our purpose and no longer makes us happy should be given away to pave way for something much better. If we cannot continue to keep the old battered shoes then why are we willing to continue to put up with stressful job, a relationship that eats away our esteem or happiness, a friend that has stopped valuing us, a situation that gives us nothing but misery? Why shouldn't we get away with them too?   

Someday for the sake of your sanity you have to decide when enough is enough, when you have had enough of what has been making you so discontented and what are you going to do about changing it and letting it all go? Sometimes they are thoughts, sometimes people, and sometimes situations. Sometimes in life we have to create our own closure, put our foot down and decide to stride away without ever looking back.  The decision is going to be hard, you may have your doubts about the decision to walk away, you may feel remorseful too at some dark point of life while missing that unfortunate yet familiar life but these are temporary phases and after the clouds of grey that had amassed in your life are dispelled with a sunshine and rainbow you will realize how right you are were about moving on, about moving away. Sometimes the results of such decisions follow immediately and sometimes they take time the ones that take time to show up are generally the ones that give you the best of what you had ever hoped for. The secret to success is to keep the faith and belief in yourself and to keep walking.