
Monday 26 January 2015

Keep calm & Carry on

He felt a great sense of pride when he went to work every day he loved his job, & when he got back home his wife doted on him. One day his office hired another who was a lot younger than him for half the salary he drew. And his wife, she realized that he always took his occupation over her and decided to stop being devoted to him like before’.

Let go of things that you feel deeply attached to, of things that would bring a lot of pain if they ever went missing. Acknowledge the fact that being detached in general towards possessions, people or even a profession makes it easy to let go of them if they ever went missing because no matter how much we love the word “forever” nothing really is forever or as being permanent. Today the source of your happiness may perhaps take a diversion and then you would have to find a new source to be
happy again. Over time people change, needs change, situations change people may go from being happy to sad, from being poor to rich or from being close to you and then not. The switch can happen, you can’t rule it out. So you have to accept that you can’t really hang onto people, situations or even your possessions no matter how deeply you are fond of them.

Hence being objective helps, being adaptive and receptive to the change helps. When you unlearn your need to possess or when you let go of your need to be reassured by the people around you that they are always going to be your greatest strength, or your state of affairs in life are never going to change or what you possess is only yours you stop wallowing for what is lost and you begin to find ways to fill the gap. You have to accept the change or the loss someday, but if you decide to welcome the change, decide to change yourself to adapt to the change and perhaps even learn to enjoy the change you will only help yourself be happy faster again.