
Wednesday 7 September 2016

Distance Education

FACT BOX: Did you know?
The first distance education course was implemented by Sir Isaac Pitman in the 1840s. He taught a system of shorthand by mailing texts transcribed into shorthand on postcards and in return he received transcriptions from his students for correction. 

The concepts: Traditional learning, Correspondence/ Distance Education, Online learning, let’s get to understanding the basics.

Traditional learning is synonymous to class-room learning, students and teachers get together in real time. Distance education refers to ways in which education may be delivered to students in remote locations, which allows students the flexibility to learn without being physically present on the campus. It is designed to offer students who cannot commit to on-site study the opportunity to pursue education in non-traditional formats. Distance education may include online degree programs, correspondence courses, CD-ROM education and many others. All course materials are given to the student via mail or electronic means so that they can master the materials at their own pace and time and which does not involve a specific timetable. Distance Education may not necessarily include any face-to-face interaction with the teacher, but this method has surely changed in the modern times to inculcate a few features that the Online education model of learning has to offer. Hence, Online Education these days is often seen as a part of Distance education and sometimes they are used interchangeably.
The only point of difference between Distance education and Online Education is that Online education had evolved due to the current advancement in technology, Students who own or have access to PCs can pursue an online degree by completing coursework via the Internet. Online education specifically offers a far more interactive environment than the traditional correspondence model does.  The teacher and the student can have a face-to-face, simultaneous interaction during live chats in virtual classrooms. They could be geographically isolated, yet they can have a quasi-face-to-face environment, enhancing academic rigor through discussion boards, email, instant messaging, e-libraries, cell phone applications, teleconferences and weekly assignments. Students enrolled in these programs receive and submit coursework online and interact with fellow students and faculty by email or through other forms of electronic communication.
Distance/ Online education has gained popularity over the last decade thanks to technological advancement and has contributed to many who cannot educate themselves further due to various reasons. Yet students are often plagued with doubts when opting for distance/online education. Often apprehension sets in is because they are not clear on the pros and cons of distance education and if distance education is right for them.

There are quite a few advantages of distance education, the following pointers will help you consider if distance education is worth a shot.  

  1. Opportunity to life-long learning – Many people have families to support and cannot leave full time work for full time education. Distance learning is perfect for people of all ages who want to gain knowledge or add a certification to help them gain a competitive edge at their workplaces or for those who want to learn a new course and don’t want to get back to regular schooling.
  2. Study at your own pace, Flexibility option – Distance education works on the methodology of finishing the course within a stipulated period of time. Course materials are also handed over to students at the onset of the programme. Since everyone learns at a difference pace; distance education gives students the option to decide how much they choose study each day.
  3. Helps at overcoming the fear of learning – Many are often intimidated at the prospect of not being able to learn as fast as the others, asking a question or raising a doubt amid a classroom full of students could make many hesitate from raising their queries.  For those in such situations complete learning support is provided by the distant educator by connecting students with faculties through discussion boards, regular chat facilities, webinars, live streaming lectures etc.
  4. Saves time, energy and costs – many on-line/ distant courses are tad cheaper than their on-campus counterparts. Distant courses also cut down on travel costs as there is no to and fro travelling involved, many times people may also be living in locations where a particular course is not conveniently available/accessible through traditional classes. The course materials made available online also alleviate the cost of textbooks.
On the flip-side, there are quite a few disadvantages to Distant learning as well. The following will help you gauge some of them.

  1. Questionable credibility of a course – with the increase in awareness and acceptability to distant education, there is a steep rise in scamsters offering fraudulent and non- accredited degrees doing the rounds as well. Hence, In India, all distance education programmes that are approved by the University Grants Commission (UGC) stand automatically recognized for the purpose of employment to posts and services under the Central Government.
  2. Does not foster networking or friendships – because students don’t study on campus premises, friendships and networking that could happen within a classroom full of students is deterred in a virtual classroom which could get lonely while studying. Graduates from the traditional premier educational institutions have an edge over students who study distant/online because they get opportunities to network with established alumni, distinguished faculty and industry experts which go a long way in paving a secure career.
  3. Not valued by all employers – Employer views towards candidates with distant education degrees are generally mixed. Some who maybe technologically savvy maybe far more receptive towards candidates who have gained degrees online. Others perhaps due to lack of awareness may be resilient. If you have considerable work experience and look to enhance your portfolio by adding a degree through distant learning, many employers look at that as ‘enhancing the career graph’. Interestingly it is very much a norm amongst many recruiters to favour candidates that have earned a degree through traditional means over online/distant education hence, for those who have gained a distant education degree with no previous work experience are generally second favoured.
  4. Dependency on technology – Online courses are not for those who are not well-versed with technology or don’t have the means to use the internet at easy disposal. Another aspect is that not all courses can be taught online. Medical and engineering courses can’t be taught online or through distance courses because they require a fair use of labs for experiments, practical and research work.
  5. Does not teach important life skills– when learning happens in virtual classrooms, important life skills like interpersonal, communication, leadership, & social skills are not learnt. These skills can mostly be acquired if one participates and interacts in large social groups like the ones within a classroom, an activity group, or cultural events organized in colleges.
How do I decide which method of Distant learning is right for me?

Online/Distant learning methodology can be divided into 2 major categories called Synchronous and Asynchronous methodology. To decide which learning technique works best for you, it is crucial to understand the two main techniques in which distant/online courses are generally imparted.  
  1. Synchronous method – this method requires teachers and students to be present at a particular time for a live chat session/lecture online.  Methods such as webinars, and video conferencing, web based VoIP, or telephonic conversations allows teachers and students to collaborate and learn in real time. This method is synonymous to the Online education model
-          Advantage: because the instructions are “real-time” based, it gives it a class-room feel and keeps the motivation to learn.
-          Disadvantage: Students may not be able to choose their own time, pace and method of interaction with the faculty.
  1. Asynchronous method – Students access course materials at their own schedules. This method doesn’t require simultaneously participation of teacher and student. asynchronous delivery include e-mail, audiocassette courses, videotaped courses, print materials, message board forums etc. this method is similar to the Correspondence education model.
-          Advantage: it is Self-paced. for those who are looking to learn at their own pace, and comfort this approach is for them.
-          Disadvantage: because asynchronous method is a self-paced instruction method, it places a substantial burden on the student to maintain interest, focus, and pace. The motivation to study could sometimes be difficult to sustain.
The best method of distance education is generally a mix of both Synchronous and Asynchronous methods. Hence looking for a college/university that provides a good mix of both the methods would be a good distant education model. For E.g. A university offers course materials before the onset of a programme and also allots timings where students can get to talk to their teachers perhaps on a weekly basis or more, to solve any queries related to their coursework.

Distance learning in India

Distance education is imparted by three kinds of institutions:
  1. Open Universities
  2. Departments of Correspondence - Courses in universities and university level institutions.
  3. A large number of private institutions - mostly offering short term vocational courses. There is no territorial restriction for enrolment of students.

List of the Top 10 Open Universities in each career category

Top Courses
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Engineering, Phd, MBA, MCA, B.ed, Law and Certificate courses
Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University
Architechture, Computer Programming, B.ed, MBA, Life Sciences and Certificate courses.
Dr BR Ambedkar Open University
Commerce, B.ed, Library Science, MBA, PG Diploma, Health Science and Insurance Courses
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University
B.ed, Diploma, MCA, Hotel and Tourism Management courses
Netaji Subhas Open University
B.ed, Graduate, Health Sciences and PG Diploma courses
M.P. Bhoj (Open) University
MBA, Post Graduate, Science, Languages, Law, Diploma and PG Diploma courses
U.P. Rajarshi Tandon Open University
Graduate, B.ed, Certificate, Management courses
Tamil Nadu Open University
M.Phil , MBA, MCA and PG Diploma courses
Karnataka State Open University
B.ed, Law, MBA and Commerce courses
Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
M.Phil, MBA, Journalism and Commerce courses
Uttarakhand Open University
Post Graduate, Ayurveda, Law and MBA courses
Nalanda Open University
Phd and Certificate courses
Pt. Sunder Sharma Open Uuniversity
Graduate and Certificate courses
KK Handique State University
Diploma and Certificate courses

How do I identify a genuine university from a fake?

In accordance with the directions of the Central Government in December 2012, the responsibility of undertaking the regulatory functions of the Distance Education has been transferred from Distance Education Council (DEC) to University Grants Commission (UGC). Thus, UGC is the sole regulating body in India for distance education, granting approvals to only those institutes that offer courses that follow certain standards and guidelines laid down by the board.
While choosing the institute for distance education, you must keep in mind to select the approved ones. Look up the UGC website for a comprehensive state-wise approved list of colleges and universities, and make the right choice.

Admission procedures for distance learning

The admission requirements for a distant learning programme may vary with the degree you choose to study as well as from one university to another. After you have verified about the credibility of the desired university for distance education with the UGC list, the next step is to log on to the university/college website and read the procedures that are to be followed to enroll for a distant course with the university.

Distance Education: the abroad perspective

Almost all Distant learning and Online universities offer courses that include Bachelors, Masters and PhD. Most popular are Management subjects that are gaining popularity among mid-career management professionals looking for further qualifications to help them progress the leadership ladder. Often subjects like MBA lend themselves well to part time study, as the simultaneous experience within the field is helpful in applying to learnt skills.

Before choosing a long distance programme with a university abroad, it is important to access the reputation of the university and of the chosen course. You must run a check with whether your distant learning provider is accredited by national bodies such as the United States Department of Education (USDE) or the Council of Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) 

This article is also published in the print magazine - The Teenager Today, Mumbai, India.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

How to make a good impression

When students walk into class on the first day of college or school it is always an overwhelming and an unforgettable experience. With new friends to make, new subjects to learn, new experiences to gain, and new teachers to get friendly with it can all be a little overwhelming and these experiences are what makes memories of school and college days unforgettable.
It’s important that along with making new friends, learning new subjects, you also get to know your teachers and in turn make them take notice of you as a student, making a good impression with teachers and making them your mentors and friends always goes a long way. And a little secret about teachers is that they too enjoy interacting with their students and look forward to building a lasting relationship with their students. Often teachers reminiscent about their students long after they have graduated. For relationships to build it is important that students take proactive measures at building a positive impression with their teachers.

Following are a few easy measures that students can take to lay foundations towards lasting relationships with their teachers.

1. Be presentable, Dress appropriately – the first impression about you generally makes a lasting impression. If you are in school make sure you dress in a clean, well ironed uniform always. If you are a college goer, dress formally always. If you are smartly dressed, it would make you feel more confident about yourself, and would also make you look very presentable. Which would not only make your friends take notice of you but also your teachers.

2. Smile and don’t forget the Greetings – Being presentable would get you noticed, but it doesn’t end there you need to look approachable. Sharing an easy smile and greeting your new classmates, teachers and the non-teaching faculty will always make them take notice of you and would make you look friendly, and easy to approach. And in turn you would look and feel more confident.

3. Be courteous and polite always – bad behaviour and lack of basic courtesy are sure ways to make anyone dislike you including your teachers. You should behave in a courteous and polite manner always. Offer to help a teacher set her laptop and projector for the class, don’t distract a teacher by making noise, talking unnecessarily or giggling away while she taking a lecture, thank a teacher after a class etc.  Be courteous to the non-teaching staff, wait for your turn to talk to the admin department, always address the peons and cleaning staff with courtesy. Right behaviour always makes a long lasting favourable impression on people around you.

4. Learn the art of introducing yourself right – you will often find yourself being asked to introduce yourself on the first day of your college or school. What you talk about yourself will often leave an impression on many. Make sure you talk about where you have studied previously, your achievement, your participation in any extracurricular activities, your hobbies and what would you like to contribute/participate in your current school or college. A particular student once spoke about his writing skills when he introduced himself, he mentioned that he was an editor of his school magazine, his achievements and contributions as an editor there and conveyed his wish to contribute to the editorial team in his current college. I always remembered his skill and spoke to the student editorial team hinting that they could involve this student whenever needed.

5. Master the art of listening and being attentive in class – A teacher enjoys teaching students who pay attention to what s/he is teaching and distinctly remembers those students who make efforts to be good listeners in class. How do you look like you are paying attention and are a good listener? It’s simple! Maintain eye contact with the teacher, Nodding is a sign of listening, and ask relevant questions when the teacher finishes a topic. I distinctly remember a student who often volunteered to bring in a case study, example or a news sample related to the topic I discussed, in the next class. It was not only interesting for me, but it also left the other students wanting to imitate the enthusiasm of this student, it not only made the class lively and interactive but also made this student get noticed amongst the batch of many.

6. Be enthusiastic and eager to learn – in academia every teacher knows that they are going to come across all kinds of students. Some student would score really well in exams, some other would have exceptional management and leadership qualities but may or may not be paper tigers and some others may exhibit intelligence in other spheres of life. If you exhibited a quench to learn, to improve and excel at whatever your goals are and involve your teachers as guides to help you achieve them, you are surely going to be noticed by your teachers. Most teachers love to mentor their students what they are waiting for are for students to approach them. So take the initiative to talk to your teachers about your academic and non-academic goals during school/college hours and ask for their advice on how they could help you achieve them and you are sure to make a friend and mentor for life.

7. Avoid unpunctuality – another way to get noticed by a teacher is if you turn up late for a class regularly or if you turn in your assignments late. But this behaviour leads to a long lasting negative impression about you, and you don’t want to make that kind of impression. Being late to class, or missing a class or being late at a submission of your assignment once in a while, supported by a genuine cause of failure is alright. You need to make sure you communicate to your teacher about your late submission or your inability to attend a class beforehand and make sure this behaviour doesn’t repeat often.

Some students may wonder why they need to put in all the effort to make a good impression on their teachers. They could probably do without putting as much efforts and sit back and enjoy school or college as a regular back bencher, bunk classes, turn in their assignments late, come to class late and make no efforts to interact and impress their teachers. There is some food for thought for those who think like that, many teachers continue to have an impact over students long after they have completed their final exams and graduated.  Teachers pay invaluable contribution to student development at both school and college. They are seen to bring out the best in a student, becoming important anchors in the student’s career growth and development and lastly they continue to be sound advisers to students long after they have graduated from their class. So go ahead and make the effort to impress, it is worth it.

This article is also published in the print magazine - The Teenager Today, Mumbai India