
Friday 11 December 2015

QUESTIONS EVERY PARENT MUST ASK -During Parent-Teacher Meetings.

Having come across many Parent-teacher meetings, I often realize that there are certain crucial questions every parent must ask their child’s teacher to understand the development or any other behavioral or learning issues that the child may be facing. Often parents are unable to ask the teacher the right kind of questions that would convey their concerns relating to their child’s progress or behavior.

Here are a few questions that you could frame –

1 - What can I do at home to help be involved with my child’s academic performance? Do you have a system for parents to know what homework is assigned?
2 - What do you see as my child's strengths/weaknesses?
3- How is my child doing socially? Does my child seem to have friends and get along with the other students? Does my child seem to be happy overall?
4 - Does my child behave respectfully to you? Does my child follow class rules? Is he/she polite and kind?
5 - Does my child work up to their potential? Is my child putting in his/her best efforts at any task assigned?
6 - Does my child turn in assignments on time?
7 - Does my child speak up or ask questions during class? Does he/she ask for help if they he/she seems to be confused or unsure?

8 - What should be “my” action plan for this coming term as a parent?

Learning MADE EASY

The education system in the recent times have tided towards a very conducive and competitive coast exposing children to diverse concepts, quizzing formulas, different subjects, and varied languages to learn in the schools and colleges. Adults too are seen adding degrees and other credentials to their CVs to build a platform that enhances their careers. Every learning process comes with the need to understand and memorize its concept distinctly. Children and adults alike often come across a momentary mind block which could make it difficult to recall or memorize certain information or theory. At any age learning remains constant, but memorizing new concepts and recalling them can sometimes become tricky for many. Here are a few easy techniques that can make learning easy.

Tip 1 – Don’t be shy, voice out. 

We all come across confusing or difficult to understand concepts & theories that we have to learn. The key to figuring that out is to get rid of your inhibitions of voicing doubts & difficulties with your Instructor/teacher. Ask your Instructor/teacher to revise the concept with you. If you're at home when the confusion occurs, your parents/spouse/friend might be able to help. But do not sit over your doubts & pile it up or worse not address it at all because you never know how important the concept or theory is from the exam point of view which could make you lose out on crucial marks.

Tip 2 - Can you teach it?

It is a tried and tested method by many students that if you are able to explain a concept and what you have learnt to someone else, and if the person has understood what you are trying to teach them implies that you have understood the concept clearly. 
it is the most easiest way of conducting a self analysis of what you have learnt and if you have understood it enough to explain it to another.

Tip 3- Break it, till you make it!

If you have a lot to learn, don't fret you can manage that by breaking the vast portion into small portions.
E.g. - You have a huge answer of 6 lines (250 words) to by heart, start by memorizing the 1st 2 lines, then moving on to the 3rd and 4th and then to the remaining last 2 lines. 
Don’t worry if you can’t remember something in the first try, remember practice makes man perfect!


The quickest way to understand & remember a concept is to brainstorm about the topic with people who have to study the same subject/topic/concept/theory etc.
E.g.- If you need to understand the Principles of Management, sit with your friends who need to learn the principles as well and discuss and explain the principles to each other this way you will learn faster.

 Tip 5 – Mark em down! 
We're all guilty of putting things off sometimes but Waiting until the last hour to study for a test can make the studying very stressful; It also makes it hard for you to put in your best. One of the best ways to make sure that doesn't happen is to plan ahead.
You can invest in a cool calendar (something that you would like to keep by your desk or study area) and write down your test and assignment due dates. Keeping a reminder of important dates would ensure you do not miss out on any submission dates and it would also give you enough time to chalk out a plan about how much time and efforts are going to be required to be put in to study, write an assignment or complete a project after school each day. This method would ensure you do not have any pile on before an important exam or submission.